티스토리 뷰



#. 이전의 일 이야기하기

 규칙동사 과거형 : 행동 뒤에 -d, -ed

 불규칙동사 과거형 : 단어가 완전히 바뀌거나 현태가 변하지 않음

 필수 불규칙동사 과거형

 go -> went

 간다 -> 갔다

 meet -> met

 만난다 -> 만났다

 make -> made 

 만든다 -> 만들었다

 have -> had

 가진다, 먹는다, 마신다 -> 가졌다, 먹었다, 마셨다

 take -> took

 데려간다, 가져간다 -> 데려갔다, 가져갔다

 drive -> drove

 운전해서 온다/간다 -> 운전해서 왔다/갔다

 put on -> put on

 (몸에)걸친다, 입는다 -> 걸쳤다, 입었다

 see -> saw 

 본다 -> 봤다

 bring -> brought 

 가져온다, 데려온다 -> 가져왔다, 데려왔다

 leave -> left 

 두고 간다, 두고 온다 -> 두고 갔다, 두고 왔다

 get -> got 

 받는다 -> 받았다

 buy -> bought 

 산다 -> 샀다

 do -> did 

 한다 -> 했다

 take off -> took off 

 벗는다, 빼낸다 -> 벗었다, 빼냈다


 문장을 좀 더 길게 말하고 싶을 경우 and로 두 가지 행동을 연결

 I went home.

 She went there. 

 I saw a movie.

  I saw her. 

 go and see a movie.

  I went and saw a movie.

 I met him.

 We met him in LA. 

 I met them in Jeju.

 I met them and saw a movie. 

 I brought cheese. 

 He brought her. 

 I brought cheese and made pizza. 

 She made dinner. 

 I left my bag. 

 I left my card. 

 I had breakfast. 

 I met my friend and had coffee. 

 I wanted money. 

 I needed time. 

 I got a ticket and saw a musical. 

 I saw a movie and got a coupon. 

 We went to DDP and bought shoes. 

 We bought shirts. 

 I drove here and bought a jacket. 

 I drove here and saw a movie. 

 I did my hair today. 

 He did this. 

 I put on a jacket.

 Put on your shoes. 

 I took off my glasses.

 Take off your earrings. 

#. 부정문에는 didn't

did는 이미 과거형을 나타내기 때문에 동사는 원형

주체가 3인칭(he, she)일 경우에도 didn't 한 가지만 사용

 didn't like

 I didn't like the music. 

 She didn't bring her car. 

 I didn't bring my ID card. 

 I had money. 

 But he didn't have money. 

 I didn't leave my friend. 

 I didn't leave my heart in San Francisco. 

 I didn't want this. 

 I didn't need help. 

 I didn't get a ticket.

 I didn't get my French fries. 

 He drove here.

 I didn't drive here. 

 I didn't do my makeup.

 I didn't put on a suit. 

고 : 나의 영어 사춘기


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