#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11057* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve이 문제는 쉬운 계단 수 문제와 약..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/10844* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve1. DP idx 정의- dp[i]..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/9095* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve1. DP idx 정의- dp[i]는..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11727* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve이전 문제와 유사한 문제이다. 마찬..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11726* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve생각보다 엄청(?) 단순한 점화식이..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1463* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract - 정수 X에 사용할 수 있는 연산 ㄴ if(X%3==0) X /= 3; ㄴ if(X%2==0) X /= 2; ㄴ X -= 1; - 정수 N이 주어졌을 때, 위와 같은 연산 세 개를 적절히 사용하여 1을 만들 수 있는 최소 횟수 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) - DP(Dynamic Programming) 4. Prove t..
.#ㅇ 대표적으로 코딩테스트에 나오는 수학.- 정수론(소수, 약수, 배수 등의 관계)- 기하(피타고라스 정리, 점 사이의 거리, 직선의 방정식, 삼각형의 넓이 등)* 기하의 CCW(Counter Clock WIse), Convex Hull, 좌표 기하는 높은 난이도로 코딩테스트보다 대회에서 자주 빈출 .정수론1. 최대공약수/최소공배수2. 에라토스테네스의 체를 사용한 소수3. 거듭제곱의 연산(C, Java 필수 알고리즘) ㅇGCD와 LCMㅇ최대공약수, GCD(Greatest Common Divider)12345678910111213141516171819# 1. 단순한 반복문def gcd_naive(a, b): for i in range(min(a,b), 0, -1): if a % i== 0 and b % ..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2014* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. SolveGreedy 문제에서 가장(?)어려운..