#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/17779* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 복잡한 조건을 구현해내는 시뮬레이..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/3184* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 완탐 기본 문제다.양이 이기면 좋겠..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/19535* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 'ㅈ' Tree는 특정 노드의 간..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1753* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 다익스트라 알고리즘을 구현하는 문제..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/18513* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 샘터를 중심으로 주변으로 이동하며..
#. Problemhttps://swexpertacademy.com/main/code/problem/problemDetail.do?contestProbId=AV15OZ4qAPICFAYD* The copyright in this matter is in SWEA #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan..
#. Problemhttps://swexpertacademy.com/main/code/problem/problemDetail.do?contestProbId=AWT-lPB6dHUDFAVT&categoryId=AWT-lPB6dHUDFAVT&categoryType=CODE* The copyright in this matter is in SWEA #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) ..
. 순열 서로 다른 n개의 원소 중에서 "중복을 허락하지 않고", "순서를 생각"하며 r개를 일렬로 나열하는 수열 123456789101112131415161718192021// 지정된 자리에 순열 뽑기// cnt : 현재까지 뽑은 순열의 수private static void permusation(int cnt) { // R개를 모두 골랐다면 if(cnt == R) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(numbers)); return; } for (int i = 0; i