티스토리 뷰
Spring Assert Statements
package org.springframework.util;
인수를 검증하고 예외를 발생시키는 유용한 클래스
Assert Class
Spring Assert 특징
- Assert 메서드는 정적
- 예상되는 인수를 가정하고, 조건이 충족되지 않으면 런타임 예외를 발생
- 첫 번째 매개 변수는 검증을 위한 인수 또는 확인할 논리적 조건
- 두 번째 매개 변수는 유효성 검사에 실패할 경우 표시되는 예외 메시지
public class Car {
private String state = "stop";
* speed > 0 조건을 충족하지 않을 경우 런타임 예외 발생
public void drive(int speed) {
Assert.isTrue(speed > 0, "speed must be positive");
this.state = "drive";
// ...
Assert.isTrue(speed > 0, "speed must be positive");
코드를 풀어쓴다면 아래와 같이 작성할 수 있다.
if (!(speed > 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("speed must be positive");
Logical Assertions
- Assert a boolean expression, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if the expression evaluates to false.
Assert a boolean expression, throwing an IllegalStateException if the expression evaluates to false.
public void fuel() { Assert.state(this.state.equals("stop"), "car must be stopped"); // ... }
Object and Type Assertions
Assert that an object is not null.
public void сhangeOil(String oil) { Assert.notNull(oil, "oil mustn't be null"); // ... }
Assert that an object is null.
public void replaceBattery(CarBattery carBattery) { Assert.isNull( carBattery.getCharge(), "to replace battery the charge must be null"); // ... }
Assert that the provided object is an instance of the provided class.
public void сhangeEngine(Engine engine) { Assert.isInstanceOf(ToyotaEngine.class, engine); // ... }
Assert that superType.isAssignableFrom(subType) is true.
public void repairEngine(Engine engine) { Assert.isAssignable(Engine.class, ToyotaEngine.class); // ... }
Text Assertions
Assert that the given String is not empty; that is, it must not be null and not the empty String.
public void startWithHasLength(String key) { Assert.hasLength(key, "key must not be null and must not the empty"); // ... }
Assert that the given String contains valid text content; that is, it must not be null and must contain at least one non-whitespace character.
public void startWithHasText(String key) { Assert.hasText( key, "key must not be null and must contain at least one non-whitespace character"); // ... }
Assert that the given text does not contain the given substring.
public void startWithNotContain(String key) { Assert.doesNotContain(key, "123", "key mustn't contain 123"); // ... }
Collection and Map Assertions
notEmpty() for Collections
Assert that a collection contains elements; that is, it must not be null and must contain at least one element.
public void repair(Collection<String> repairParts) { Assert.notEmpty( repairParts, "collection of repairParts mustn't be empty"); // ... }
notEmpty() for Maps
Assert that a Map contains entries; that is, it must not be null and must contain at least one entry.
public void repair(Map<String, String> repairParts) { Assert.notEmpty( repairParts, "map of repairParts mustn't be empty"); // ... }
Array Assertions
notEmpty() for Arrays
Assert that an array contains elements; that is, it must not be null and must contain at least one element.
public void repair(String[] repairParts) { Assert.notEmpty( repairParts, "array of repairParts mustn't be empty"); // ... }
Assert that an array contains no null elements.
public void repairWithNoNull(String[] repairParts) { Assert.noNullElements( repairParts, "array of repairParts mustn't contain null elements"); // ... }
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