#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/3709* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 최근까지 풀었던 시뮬레이션 문제 중..
| REST || Rest Service Methods Representational State TransferMethod로 구분하여 해당 자원의 상태(정보)를 주고 받는 모든 것 HTTP GET- Resource를 가져올 때 사용- 서버에 어떠한 수정도 없을 때 사용- Safe Methods- 어디에서 요청을 해도 동일한 결과 (멱등법칙)- HTTP 응답 코드 서버에서 Resource 발견 시 200(OK) + 응답 본문 Resource 발견 실패 시 404(Not Found) 적합한 형식이 아닐 시 400(Bad Request) HTTP POST- 새로운 Resource 생성 시 사용- HTTP 응답 코드 서버에 Resource가 정상적으로 생성 201(Create) + header(요청에 대한 상태..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2812* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 문제가 짧아서 금방 풀 수 있을 줄..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/16235* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 구현, 시뮬레이션 문제다 !_! ..
#. Problemhttps://swexpertacademy.com/main/code/problem/problemDetail.do?contestProbId=AV5LwsHaD1MDFAXc* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan ..
#. Problemhttps://swexpertacademy.com/main/code/problem/problemDetail.do?contestProbId=AV5V4A46AdIDFAWu&categoryId=AV5V4A46AdIDFAWu&categoryType=CODE* The copyright in this matter is in SWEA #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) ..
#. Problemhttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/14698* The copyright in this matter is in BOJ #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage memory) 5. Carry out the plan 6. Look back on the plan and find a way to improve it #. Solve 수들의 범위가 그동안 문제들에서 ..
#. Problemhttps://swexpertacademy.com/main/code/problem/problemDetail.do?contestProbId=AWXQsLWKd5cDFAUo* The copyright in this matter is in SWEA 백준의 2458 문제와 동일하다.https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2458 #. Resolution Process 1. Read and understand problem 2. Redefine the problem + abstract 3. Create solution plan (select Algorithm, Data structure) 4. Prove the plan (check performance time and usage..